Batteries – Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between GEL and AGM batteries?
These two different battery types actually use different scientific know-how, but overall gel batteries have proven to perform better and last longer. They do tend to be slightly more expensive, but they also represent better value for money because of their usage longevity.
Gel Batteries vs AGM Batteries
There are both advantages and disadvantages for these battery types. Depending upon what use you need it for, it is critical you choose the correct type for your scooter or wheelchair.
Advantages of AGM Batteries
- Smaller size battery may be used for high rate discharge
- Ideal for starting and stationery applications
- Lower cost initially when compared to equivalent gel battery
- Superior performance for short durations/higher current discharges
Advantages of Gel Batteries
- Ideal for daily use
- Excellent performance over long discharges
- Reduced self-discharge
- Full recovery from total discharge when left for some time
- Good tolerance to high temperature
- Innovative design
- Increased tolerance to poor charging parameters
- High resistance to water loss when charging
- Suitable where mains power is not suitable
- Thicker plate design to reduce corrosion and longer life
- No equalization charge necessary
- Ultra stable polymer separator for increased performance
- High resistance to shorting because of high quality build strength
- Zero statification
How Easy Is It To Fit My New Batteries?
It will only take a few minutes to fit your new or replacement batteries as long as you have some basic tools to hand, eg a Phillips screwdriver and a 10mm spanner.
How Can I Tell If My Batteries Are Depleted ?
You can usually tell if your batteries are depleted if your scooter or electric wheel chair is not performing well and feels less powerful than usual or does not travel as far as usual on a full charge.
What is the best routine to adopt when charging my batteries?
It is recommended that you charge your batteries after every journey or after every other to ensure you have full power when using your scooter or power chair. Always charge your batteries for a 10-12 hour period. Even if you have not used your scooter for some time, you should keep your batteries charged regularly.
Are mobility batteries the same as car batteries?
No they are not the same. Car batteries are designed to give a large burst of power and mobility batteries give a slow release power.
What guarantee do I get when I purchase my batteries?
All batteries have 12 months warranty for defects. General wear and tear are not covered, only manufacturing defects or cell failures.